dilluns, 12 de gener del 2015

2014 Best Iceberg Songs of the year

The Golden Iceberg goes to The Libertines and their Time for heroes. This song doesn't only have an excellent rythm but it is also a perfect example of self-mockery:

"Did you see the stylish kids in the riot
We were shovelled up like muck
Set the night on fire
Wombles bleed truncheons and shields
You know I cherish you my love..."

Els Libertines, en el seu any de retorn als escenaris, guanyen L'Iceberg d'or també per la presència de Pete Doherty a Sarrià el mes de maig passat.

El Iceberg de Plata es para Sonido Changorama, banda que trabaja a la perfección el sonido electrónico, el metal y el sonido de la vida cotidiana de México.

Donnie Lonegan The battle of New Orleans is awarded with The Bronze Iceberg. The jury recognizes the  influence that Lonegan's song had on John Lennon.

And the two other finalists are:

Love is won, Lia Ices.

Comeback kid, Sleigh Bells

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