"You know what the fellow said: in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfares, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Reinassance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace -and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock."
dimecres, 31 de desembre del 2008
The cuckoo clock
"You know what the fellow said: in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfares, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Reinassance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace -and what did they produce? The cuckoo clock."
dilluns, 29 de desembre del 2008
Wiener Blut
"Heast, was hat der Bua
Was braucht er für a Medizin
Geh schau, geh schau da was an
der weiß genau
Der Peda und der Rote ham dem Kas ane geb'n
Eahm hat's wie Hauptfett aufg'stellt
volle Wäsch' in'd Wand, war des scheen
Der Guck schmiert ab, der Stockchef kommt, a G'spiel wird inszeniert,
wobei der Rote 'n Peda sei komplette Auslös inhaliert,
man ruft den (Doktor, Doktor)
der Peda sieht rot (Doktor, Doktor)
ana fragt: "is' der tot"
Wiener Blut - in diesem Saft, die Kraft, die Wiener Glut
kommt ana link uns kommen wir in Wut, bis er erkennen tut
Wir hab'n die Medizin, der Dekadenz hab'n wir a Preis verlieh'n
dabei san wir moralisch überblieb'n, wir steh'n und fall'n und lieg'n
Wir hab'n die Medizin
Oh, oh, oh ...
Heast der is da arg
Was is des für a Medizin
Oh, der Professor hat an Dreia ausg'faßt, heit geht er ham
Sein Weg führt ihn direkt in Prater, in'd Allee mit de Bam
Kein Bein allein, er fasziniert sein Gürteltier erblickt,
jedoch die Beste mit an, "jetzt kummst?", stop retour in Krieag ihn schickt
Man ruft den (Doktor, Doktor)
Der Professor sieht rot (Doktor, Doktor)
Ane fragt: "is' der tot?"
doch sind für eine Hetz wir immer gut, für dich und mich in Wien
Wir präsentieren Wien, auch im Club 45 samma drin,
dort sind wir unter uns dann sehr intim, im Steh'n, im Fall'n, im Lieg'n
Falco, Wiener Blut.
dissabte, 27 de desembre del 2008
Mi patria, mis zapatos.

Jamás lo podré disimular,
luna vuela y hazme a mí volar.
Estás tan lejos de mí que a veces pienso que nunca te encontré.
Un mundo extraño, dormido,
a punto siempre de estallar.
Digo que volveré, primero debo aprender a caminar.
Sin ti sobreviviré, muy lejos tu nombre me acompañará.
Mi patria en mis zapatos, mis manos son mi ejército;
nace luna fría, nace y hazme olvidar.
Mírame, soy provisional;
tú también y nadie te comprenderá.
Quédate un minuto más;
luna azul descansa y hazme descansar..."
El último de la fila, Mi patria en mis zapatos.
divendres, 26 de desembre del 2008
You'll catch that blood
"And you really will have to make it through that violent, metaphysical, symbolic storm. No matter how metaphyiscal or symbolic it might be, make no mistake about it: it will cut through flesh like a thousand razor blades. People will bleed there, and you will bleed too. Hot, red blood. You'll catch that blood in your hands, your own blood and the blood of others.
And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about."
Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore.
dimecres, 24 de desembre del 2008
La llei de l'embut (el meu poema de nadal)
l'altre, el següent amb broc més petit
que l'anterior. I és necessari veure'n
la creixent dificultat, l'estretor
que progressivament van engreixant
les hores que anem escoltant lleugeres
pel passar dels dies inaugurats
quan vam caure en la primera desgràcia.
Però no és un laberint uniforme
perquè, si ho fos, hauríem inventat
un fil d'Ariadna que anés lligat
del preu de la llevadora. I presos
de les mans, caminaríem plegats
amb la serenor dels que ja sentint-se
perdedors saben que també entraran
quan el jutge canti la fi de cursa.
Però no. La llei de l'embut només
consenteix el pas a un de sol, com totes
les sortides possibles per arribar
a algun lloc amb ànsies de voler
improvisar les preguntes i els precs
obligats per seguir desesperant.
D'això alguns en diran 'el camí'.
D'altres 'preludi de no-solució'.
Pels més, no té prou valor per dur nom."
Marc Masdeu, Els escalfadors.
(24 de desembre: tal dia com avui també va néixer Marc Masdeu)
dilluns, 22 de desembre del 2008
Sobre el mar

Y repentinamente lo hemos visto de nuevo
en el puerto
entre muelles
y cascos de los barcos.
Yo me acordé de un pájaro rapaz
que vi una vez en el parque zoólogico.
Alas bajas, sin fuerzas
la cabeza caída sobre su corazón.
al zambullirse el tren en la estación
lejos de mi mirada quedó el mar.
Pero cuando la máquina arrancó
nos hemos encontrado una vez más.
Él era el horizonte
el centelleo frío del acero
que a través de sus cejas fruncidas me
volviéndose más cálido y más dulce
cuando iba aproximándose
No, en ese momento no pensé
que la vida del hombre es como espuma
que refulge un instante y se disipa
en el movimiento sin fin."
Nâzim Hikmet, Duro oficio el exilio. El Bardo Colección de Poesía.
diumenge, 21 de desembre del 2008
White Winter Hymnal
"I was following the pack
all swallowed in their coats
with scarves of red tied 'round their throats
to keep their little heads
from fallin' in the snow
And I turned 'round and there you go
And, Michael, you would fall
and turn the white snow red as strawberries
in the summertime."
Fleet Foxes, White Winter Hymnal.
dissabte, 20 de desembre del 2008
Professor Sea Gull

Joseph Mitchel. Joe Gould's secret and Professor Sea Gull, The New Yorker.
divendres, 19 de desembre del 2008
sóc jo perquè havia de ser un altre i no ha pogut ser,
compareixo perquè un fantasma s'ha posat el gec de fòsfor vermell,
penso perquè cada estel és una nova idea,
parlo perquè el gemec més fort és la paraula,
m'hi veig perquè és al contrari, la llum em mira a mi,
compro perquè l'ànima s'ho va gastar tot,
menjo perquè fou dit: qui mossegui la poma caurà mort,
bec perquè vaig néixer dessagnat,
estimo perquè provinc d'una erupció solar,
tinc por perquè el visitant i l'assassí són la mateixa persona,
m'adormo perquè abans era cec,
somio perquè el cervell és un glaç i es desfà al llit,
em faig vell perquè l'eternitat s'acaba,
em desperto perquè l'alba sóc jo".
Màrius Sampere i Passarell, Subllum.
dijous, 18 de desembre del 2008
La navaja de Steinbeck
John Steinbeck, Viaje a Rusia. Grupo Unisón Ediciones (en liquidación).
dimecres, 17 de desembre del 2008
Quicksand years
Your schemes, politics, fail, lines give away, substances mock and elude me,
Only the theme I sing, the great and strong-posses'd soul, eludes not,
One's-self must never give way -that is the final substance -that out of all is sure,
Out of politics, triumphs, battles, life, what at last finally remains?
When shows break up, what but One's-self is sure?
(Años inestables que me arrojáis no sé a dónde,
Vuestros planes y vuestra política fracasan, los trazos se
desvanecen, las sustancias se burlan de mí y se me escapan,
Sólo el tema que yo canto, el alma grande y fuerte,
no se me escapa,
Ser uno mismo no debe desvanecerse nunca -esa es la sustancia
primordial -esa la única cosa segura entre todas,
De la política, triunfos, batallas, vida, ¿qué queda al fin?
Cuando los espectáculos terminan, ¿qué es lo seguro salvo uno mismo?)
Walt Whitman, Drum Taps. Ediciones Hiperión.
dilluns, 15 de desembre del 2008
The horror in the eyes of women and girls

Grossman noted the 'horror in the eyes of women and girls... Terrible things are happening to german women. A cultivated german man explains with expressive gesture and broken Russian words that his wife has been raped by ten men that day... Soviet girls who have been liberated from camps are suffering greatly too. Last night some of them hid in the room provided for the war correspondents. Screams weak us up in the night'. Grossman noted what he had evidently heard about a young mother. She was being raped continously in a farm shed. Her relatives came to the shed and asked the soldiers to allow her a break to breast-feed the baby because it would not stop crying."
"The NKVD [former KGB] chief in northern East Prussia reported to Beria that 'suicides of Germans, particulary women, are becoming more and more widespread'. For those who did not have a pistol or poison, most of the suicides consisted of people hanging themselves in attics with the rope tied to the rafters. A number of women, unable to bring themselves to hang a child, cut their children's wrists first and then their own".
Anthony Beevor, Berlin The Downfall 1945.
diumenge, 14 de desembre del 2008
El gat dels escenaris

dissabte, 13 de desembre del 2008
Of wine and death
Harry Eyres, Financial Times Arts & Weekend.
dijous, 11 de desembre del 2008
"At 4:04
Come in and shut the door
My favorite time of day
To lay with you is afternoon
I set my watch
I never need to
In that lonesome mood of being too long away from you
Leave us alone
Pour some tea
And western sun shiny
Let’s disappear into the last rays
Of another do nothing day
There’s so little done
But rest is necessary
Mission unaccomplished
‘Cause the best things happen in reclusion
Leave us alone
Leave us alone
Drop the Venetian blinds
Drop what you’re doing
A salty morning
And save the chocolate for later on
Tape the drapes closed,
And let the grass grow
‘Cause my whole life’s right here inside
Leave us alone
Leave us alone
Please leave us alone
Leave us alone".
Mark Mulcahy
dimecres, 10 de desembre del 2008
El hielo en Macondo
"Estaban obstinados en que su padre los llevara a conocer la portentosa novedad de los sabios de Memphis, anunciada a la entrada de una tienda que, según decían, perteneció al rey Salomón. Tanto insistieron, que José Arcadio Buendía pagó los treinta reales y los condujo hasta el centro de la carpa, donde había un gigante de torso peludo y cabeza rapada, con un anillo de cobre en la nariz y una pesada cadena de hierro en el tobillo, custodiando un cofre pirata. Al ser destapado por el gigante, el cofre dejó escapar un aliento glacial. Dentro solo había un bloque transparente, con infinitas agujas internas en las cuales se despedazaba en estrellas de colores la claridad del crepúsculo. Desconcertado, sabiendo que los niños esperaban una explicación inmediata, José Arcadio Buendía se atrevió a murmurar:
-Es el diamante más grande del mundo.
-No -corrigió el gitano-. Es hielo."
Gabriel García Márquez, Cien años de soledad.
dilluns, 8 de desembre del 2008
La muerte en Macondo
Gabriel García Márquez, Cien años de soledad.
El amor en Macondo
Gabriel García Márquez, Cien años de soledad.
dissabte, 6 de desembre del 2008
das bunte Weltgewühl
"Still und eng und ruhig auferzogen
wirft man uns auf einmal in die Welt;
uns umspülen hunderttausend Wogen,
Alles reizt uns, mancherlei gefällt.
Mancherlei verdriesst uns, und von Stund zu Stunden
Schwanckt das Leicht unruhige Gefühl;
Wir empfinden, und was wir empfunden,
spült hinweg das Bunte Weltgewühl"
J.W. Goethe
divendres, 5 de desembre del 2008
Big Ideas
"Don't get any big ideas
They're not gonna happen
You paint yourself white
And fill up with noise
But there'll be something missing
Now that you've found it, it's gone
Now that you feel it, you don't
You've gone off the rails
So don't get any big ideas
They're not gonna happen
You'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking"
(Radiohead, Nude)
dijous, 4 de desembre del 2008
Black Watch

There is a cachet to be had from serving in the Black Watch, the oldest Highland regiment. They call it the "Golden Thread": the connection that runs through the history of the regiment since its formation. Even today, in our supposedly fractured society, the regiment exists on a different plane. In Iraq, there were lads serving alongside their fathers. There were groups of friends from even the smallest communities: four from the former fishing village of St Monans; seven from the former mining village of High Valleyfield; dozens from Dundee and Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy and Perth. The army does best in those areas of the country the Ministry of Defence describes as having "settled communities". The Army does not recruit well in London or any other big city; fighting units tend to be more at home with homogeneity than with metropolitanism or multiculturalism.
When the clans of Scotland used to fight, they would have people who stood in front of the soldiers and recited the names of their ancestors. In the end, our soldiers don't fight for Britain or for the government or for Scotland. They fight for the regiment. Their company. Their platoon. And for their mates."
(Black Watch, scottish theatre play. Until December 21st at the St. Ann's Warehouse, Brooklyn-New York)
dimecres, 3 de desembre del 2008
Was gilt?
dein Mund
sprach sich dem Aug zu, Ich hörte:
wissen ja nicht, weisst du,
wissen ja nicht,
was gilt."
(Paul Celan, from the poem Zürich zum Storchen)
(traduït al francès:)
"Ton oeil me regarda,
regarda au loin,
ta bouche
se promit à l'oeil, j'entendis:
Nous ne
savons pas, sais-tu,
ne savons pas
qui est vrai."
dimarts, 2 de desembre del 2008
EVICTION, from The New Yorker.
“In the early afternoon on October 1st, Donald Fatheree, a sheriff’s deputy in Akron, Ohio, drove his black-and-gold cruiser into one of Akron’s dying neighborhoods and came to a stop in front of a small white wood-frame house, with a neatly trimmed lawn and a beige Chevrolet parked in the driveway. He had been there many times before. Part of Fatheree’s job is to execute writs of possession, legal orders turning people out of their foreclosed homes—a disagreeable task mitigated, if only slightly, by the long grind of the process…
Fatheree knew little more about the person inside than the information contained in the original foreclosure complaint: “Addie Polk, an unmarried woman.”
You could never be sure what awaited on the other side of the door. As a precaution, Fatheree brought along another deputy, Jason Beam. Fatheree knocked on the front door, and, once again, no answer came. According to department policy, the evicting officers could not enter the premises unless they were accompanied by a representative from the bank. In this case, the defaulted loan had been made by Countrywide Home Loans, and had been assumed by the Federal National Mortgage Association, or Fannie Mae, which had acquired the house at a sheriff ’s auction in June. The house, appraised at forty-two thousand dollars, had sold for twenty-eight thousand. No one from Countrywide had yet arrived, and the two deputies decided to wait. Another deputy, Dave Bailey, happened by, and stopped to say hello. It was a lovely day, and soon the three officers were chatting in the sunshine just a few paces from the front porch. After a time, they were joined by a curious neighbor, Robert Dillon, who owned the house next door.
Countrywide’s representative never arrived. Fatheree was ready to leave, and have the eviction rescheduled, when the men heard a noise inside the house. Dillon, worried that Addie had fallen and needed help, said that he knew a way to get in, and Fatheree told him to try. Dillon fetched a ladder, climbed to a second-floor bathroom window, and worked it open. He stepped inside and called for Addie, but heard no reply. Fatheree’s official eviction notice, the duct tape attached, lay on a bedroom dresser. Dillon found Addie in bed, reclined on her side, apparently asleep. A gun lay beside her, and he recalls wondering, Huh? Why is Miss Polk sleeping with a gun in her bed?”