An unintentional definition of Confucianism
"One could accept this as an ideal, and yet favour, for instance, some kind of hierarchical society, so long as the hierarchy maintained itself without compulsion, and there was human understanding between the orders. In such a society, each man would indeed have a very conspicuous title which related him to the social structure, but it might be that most people were aware of the human beings behind the titles, and found each other for the most part content, or even proud, to have the titles of historical hierarchical societies; but I can see no inconsistency in someone's espousing it as an ideal, as some (influenced in many cases by a sentimental picture of the Middle Ages) have done. Such a person would be one who accepted the notion of the 'human view', the view of each man as something more than his title, as a valuable ideal, but rejected the ideals of political equality.Once, however, one accepts the further notion that the degree of man's consciousness about such things as his role in society itself in some part the product of social arrangements, and that it can be increased, this ideal of a stable hierarchy must, I think, disappear. For what keeps stable hierarchies together is the idea of necessity, that it is somehow fore-ordained or inevitable that there should be these orders; and this idea of necessity must be eventually undermined by the growth of people's reflective consciousness about their role, still more when it is combined with the thought that what they and the others have always thought about their roles in the social system was the product of the social system itself".Bernard Williams, The idea of Equality.
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